Deletar Unidades atribuidas

net use * /delete

net use \\servidor\share /delete

Atribuir Unidades de Rede


net use Z: \\\pasta senha /user:dominio\usuario /persistent:yes

Onde: K: = Unidade a ser criada no compartilhamento. SERVERNAME = Nome ou IP da máquina q vc vai acessar. C$ = Unidade compartilhada na máquina server. SENHA = senha do usuário na máquina server.
USUARIO = usuário devidamente cadastrado na máquina server.

Outros Examples

To assign the disk-drive device name E: to the Letters shared directory on the \\Financial server, type:
net use e: \\financial\letters 

To assign (map) the disk-drive device name M: to the directory Mike within the Letters volume on the \\Financial NetWare server, type:
net use m: \\financial\letters\mike 

To connect the user identifier Dan as if the connection were made from the Accounts domain, type:
net use d:\\server\share /user:Accounts\Dan 

To disconnect from the \\Financial\Public directory, type:
net use f: \\financial\public /delete 

To connect to the resource memos shared on the \\Financial 2 server, type:
net use k: “\\financial 2” \memos 

To restore the current connections at each logon, regardless of future changes, type:
net use /persistent:yes

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